Thursday, February 24, 2011

Poetry Book-The Beginning

So I've started writing what I hope to be the very first poem in my book. It introduces a character to the reader that will tie all of the poems together and allow the reader to see from his perspective. I just have a few lines to put down here, but it's a start! I'm going to try to get a picture of an illustration of Jud up soon too.

Here it is:

Jud spelled his name
with only one "d".
He lived at the house
with the big maple tree.
He hardly played out
He just mostly stayed in

The next lines of the poem will tell of what Jud is doing inside. He will eventually be forced to go explore outside and will do this begrudgingly. However, as he explores nature for the first time his perspective will change!

- Selah

Welcome to Inside-Out

Welcome to our Inside-Out blog! As we continue to move forward in the creation of our children's books (a story book by Audrey, and poetry book by Selah) we will be posting all about the process. Soon we will have up samples of some writing and even some first draft characters!